What is the value of the leading coefficient in -x3 + 5x2 - 4x + 13 ?
Which of the following expressions is an example of a binomial?
Which of the following expressions is an example of a trinomial?
How many terms are there in the expression 7x4 + 11x6 - 8x5 + 13x7 - 19x12 + 4x2 + 99 ?
What is the index of the second term in 100x100 - 10x10 - 1x1 ?
What is the coefficient of the third term 412x14 + 64x9 -118x17 + 999x12 + 1/212 ?
What is the value of the constant term in -9x3 + 4x2 - 5x ?
Which of the following expressions is an example of a monomial?
What is the degree of the polynomial expression -2x3 + x - 3x4 + 17x2 + 5 ?
What is the coefficient of the second term in x2 + 5x3 ?
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