A Message from our CEO about Online Learning
“The mastery of Mathematics and Physical Science is crucial for our future brains trust in South Africa. We are so capable of competing on a world stage if only we have the tools in our hands to do so. Archie provides a vital stepping stone to the future jobs we are yet to even conceive of. Bright, young minds need a solid foundation in these subjects, not only for the STEM fields, but for every job opportunity requiring lateral thinking and problem solving. At Archie, our core mission is to help our young learners in South Africa to conquer the injustices of the past that have negatively affected the education system, and overcome the fears of the future. For those who simply need extra revision and for those who are really struggling, our content is designed to engage learners in a simple, colourful manner and bring them through to a solid pass with relative ease and understanding. Our team of creative content experts are dedicated to being brilliant. We will continue enhancing our online learning platform, ensuring that every South African that interacts with Archie will undoubtedly reach their academic potential.” Gavin Welsh, CEO, Ask Archie gavin@askarchie.co.za |